Saturday, October 17, 2009

We all have to start somewhere

Hi! I am Jérôme Marot-Lassauzaie, the editor of this blog. I am French and live in Munich, Germany.

I thought writing a blog would be a way to channel my interest in photography and technology into something useful. This blog will start with a review of Minolta/Sony and possibly some third party lenses (Sigma). All of these lenses are owned by me, purchased new or second hand. I don't get any loaners or gifts from Sony or anyone else.

Why Minolta/Sony? Quite simply, it is the system I have, having started using a SLR with the Minolta 9000 about 30 years ago and presently using a Sony Alpha 900 (Minolta sold their photo division to Sony a few years ago, meaning the systems are compatible). With time I accumulated a number of lenses, which makes changing systems difficult (same story for anyone, I suppose).

Interleaved with the lens tests, you may find some comments of mine on a particular subject or web site which attracted my attention.

Any post which you will find here only reflects my opinion and is not to be taken as absolute truth, so if you do not agree that is fine with me. I am often active on the dynax forums, you may want to carry any discussion there.

However, if you do not agree with the lens reviews, it may be that your lens does not work exactly like the one I have. Apparently, this happens more often than not: some lens copies work better than others. I tried to avoid posting data about malfunctioning lenses (I have 3 lenses which I will send to be adjusted, that was also why I reviewed my collection).